
Setup 2 - Configuring the Shopping Cart

If you have not already done so, run the program, by clicking on the "PayPal Shopping Cart" icon.

Click on the button marked Setup 2

You will see the fields below.

The only compulsory one is your PayPal email address.

If you wish to receive credit or debit card payments you will need a registered PayPal Premier or Business email address.

Using any other email address will cause an error message to appear.

PayPal Click here to register

Business E-Mail Address:
Your PayPal email address.  This is the only compulsory field.

Select Currency
Choose the currency in which you wish to accept payments. Currently there are six options. United States, Canadian or Australian dollars,
plus British Pounds, Euros and Japanese Yen.

Customer  Shipping Address

This allows you to remind the customer to include a shipping address on the order form.

Success Page
An internet URL where the user will be returned after completing the payment. For example, a URL on your site which hosts a "Thank you for shopping" page. This item is optional, if omitted, users will be taken to the PayPal website.

Cancel Payment Page
An internet URL where the user will be returned if payment is cancelled. For example, a URL on your site which hosts a "Payment Cancelled" page. This item is optional, if omitted, users will be taken to the PayPal site.

Message from Customer.
If set to "Yes" allows the the buyer to send an additional message to the merchant.

Title of Message
Title that you place above the message from the customer to explain its meaning.
If left blank the default message is: Message to Seller (Optional).

Payment Page Logo
The URL of a logo that you wish to use on the payment page. The logo must be hosted on a secure server or you will receive a security information alert from your browser when you try to access the page.

Select "View Store" to save and view the changes to the setup. Files are saved to the PayPal folder.